7 Ways to Help Your Child Athlete Be Confident

Confidence is the ability to trust in your skills and strengths to face challenges. Youth sports are vital for building this confidence, as they help young athletes tackle new obstacles and enhance their social skills. While coaches and parents can’t directly instill confidence in kids, they can take important steps to support their development of it.
Here are important steps that can help kids develop their own confidence in sports:
Praise effort: Dr. Roberta Kraus emphasizes that self-belief in champions often stems from the encouragement of others. Praising effort rather than outcomes helps kids build a foundation of self-confidence. While they can’t control wins or losses, they can focus on their practice and play. Initially, kids should believe in their ability to work hard, learn, and improve, which sets the stage for believing they can win when the chance arises.
Create incremental opportunities for success: Confidence builds when an athlete accomplishes goals and overcomes challenges. Parents and coaches can create a series of progressively more challenging tasks so the athlete experiences incremental success as skills and fitness improve. These experiences should be challenging enough that kids experience some setbacks, but not so difficult that they experience only failure.
Encourage Pride: Being humble has its place, but it’s also healthy to be proud of what you have accomplished through hard work and practice. However, it’s up to parents and coaches to help young athletes learn to express pride without being boastful or dismissive of the roles others played in their success.
Maintain reasonable expectations: Confidence is a balance between belief and fear. If your expectations for a young athlete are too high, he or she will be more likely to fear failure. Ideally, expectations should be challenging, but within reach. They should inspire increased commitment and effort, not generate fear of failure.
Communicate: When young athletes encounter fear and self-doubt, parents and coaches can be great resources. The more comfortable kids are confiding in parents and coaches, the sooner they will talk about their fears and doubts.
Teach kids to redirect negative thoughts: All athletes, including champions, face self-doubt. The crucial step is to recognize these negative thoughts and counter them with positive affirmations, such as replacing “I can’t” with “Yes, I can if I keep working.” Dr. Kraus notes that confidence isn’t about being free from fear, but rather the willingness to act despite it. Successful athletes excel at redirecting their fears and negative thoughts instead of allowing them to dominate.
Focus on the Positives: Failure can harm confidence only if it’s not addressed or viewed as a learning opportunity. Parents and coaches should encourage young athletes to analyze their failures, recognizing both their successes and areas for improvement. Dr. Kraus suggests being specific about what athletes did well and providing clear examples of how to improve next time, as this helps shape behavior. Ultimately, confidence is developed through experience, and supportive guidance can help young athletes grow into confident, successful adults.
Read More: https://childreninfobank.com/safebank/7-ways-to-help-your-athlete-be-confident/
Image Source: https://truesport.org/