5 Scientific Ways To Discipline Your Kids That Actually Work

Parenting is challenging and can be particularly frustrating when dealing with constant stress about your children’s behavior and the daily task of cleaning up after them. Balancing effective discipline with maintaining respect without being too harsh is a difficult aspect of parenting.
Here are 5 scientific ways to discipline your kids that work:
1. Redirecting or distracting: Research shows that a child’s prefrontal cortex, which is crucial for decision-making and self-regulation, isn’t fully developed at a young age. For instance, when a two-year-old repeatedly approaches the fireplace despite warnings, it’s important to remember that their ability to regulate behavior is still developing. Instead of repeated warnings, try redirecting or distracting them to keep them safe.
2. Taking a parent time-out: If you feel your anger rising and are tempted to spank your child, it’s important to step away and take a break. Taking time to calm down and assess your emotions can help you understand if your frustration is due to fatigue or irritation. This pause often helps diffuse immediate anger and may reveal that the child’s behavior is not worth the reaction.
3. Exemplifying the behaviors you want to see: Science shows that physical discipline, like spanking, is ineffective in correcting children’s behavior. A study in The Journal of Family Psychology found that spanking does not prevent misbehavior and may lead to repeated offenses shortly afterward. While spanking might temporarily stop unwanted actions, it fails to teach children about the consequences of their behavior and can foster fear and aggression. Instead of guiding children to understand and control their actions, spanking often results in increased misbehavior and diminished self-worth. Effective discipline requires teaching rather than using physical punishment.
4. Agreeing on clear rules with your parenting partner: It can be confusing to you and your children when one parent considers jumping on the bed fun, but the other parent considers it terrible behavior and punishes you for it. All this does is confuse your kids even more about what is and isn’t acceptable.
5. Considering the child’s developmental stage first: Babies are born with undeveloped brains, so it’s crucial for adults to nurture their empathy, emotional strength, and intelligence. Punishing toddlers for putting things in their mouths impedes their development, as they lack the cognitive understanding of older children. By age 5, children can grasp behavioral lessons better, making it more appropriate to address such behavior at that stage. Research shows that spanking, yelling, or harsh punishment does not effectively promote good behavior and can damage the parent-child relationship.
Read More: https://childreninfobank.com/safebank/5-scientific-ways-to-discipline-your-kids-that-actually-work/
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