Concerns Raised About New Teacher Maths Requirement

Concerns have emerged about new math requirements for primary school teachers, with critics arguing that these changes might deter potential applicants and lack clarity. The government has advanced the ‘Make It Count’ math curriculum for years 0 to 8 to begin in Term 1, 2025, due to worries about achievement rates.
Prime Minister Chris Luxon cited data showing 50,000 Year 8 students missed expected benchmarks in 2023, though the opposition has questioned these figures. The new policy also mandates that future teacher training candidates must pass NCEA Level 2 math.
In a recent urgent meeting between the Teaching Council and Initial Teacher Education (ITE) providers, several issues were discussed, including:
- That NCEA level 2 maths was not the mathematics knowledge required for primary teaching. The assumption that this maths knowledge would make any difference to what and how primary teachers teach maths was not based on any evidence.
- This requirement exceeds the University Entrance requirement of 10 credits in maths at Level 1 or above. This requirement would have an impact on enrolment numbers and would likely deter otherwise sound teaching candidates from applying or gaining admission to teacher education.
- This requirement assumed that secondary school students would have decided on a teaching career by the end of Year 11 and would thus have more than the UE entry requirements in maths.
Dr. Rosina Merry, executive chair of the Teacher Education Forum, criticized the new math requirements for primary school teachers, arguing they lack evidence of improving outcomes. She contends that raising entry standards could discourage qualified candidates from applying, worsening the existing staffing shortages. Merry believes the increased entry criteria might severely impact initial teacher education programs and the overall teaching workforce.
In response, Education Minister Erica Stanford stated that bridging programs will be offered to support current students aiming for teacher training. She emphasized the importance of teachers being confident in teaching Level 2 math to support students working above their grade level.
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