Lagos court sentenced man to life imprisonment for defiling his neighbour’s 12 year old daughter

Source: Lagos State Domestic and Violence Agency

Incident Overview:

  • Tayo Akinboyewa sentenced to life imprisonment for defiling a 12-year-old girl
  • His name to be registered in the Sexual Offenders Register maintained by Lagos State
  • Justice Rahman Oshodi found the prosecution proved the charge of defilement against Akinboyewa
  • Abundant evidence of sexual intercourse with the victim who was a child
  • The defendant’s confessional statement met legal requirements
  • Akinboyewa found guilty and convicted under section 137 of the Crime Law
  • Judge emphasized the gross violation of the victim’s innocence and dignity
  • Children deserve protection and not exploitation
  • Akinboyewa sentenced to life imprisonment due to the seriousness of the offence, victim’s age, breach of trust, and impact on the survivor
  • Judge highlighted the lack of remorse shown by the defendant
  • Severe punishment prescribed for defilement of a child
  • Akinboyewa urged to reflect on his actions and strive for redemption while in incarceration
  • Sentence aimed at providing justice and closure for the survivor and her family.

Authorities Response:

  • The prosecution successfully proved the charge of defilement against Akinboyewa.
  • The judge emphasized the severity of the offense, the impact on the victim, and the breach of trust.
  • Akinboyewa was sentenced to life imprisonment, and his name will be registered in the Sexual Offenders Register.
  • The judge highlighted the lack of remorse shown by the defendant and urged him to reflect on his actions while in incarceration.
  • The sentence was intended to provide justice and closure for the survivor and her family, holding the perpetrator accountable for his crimes.


In conclusion, the sentencing of Tayo Akinboyewa to life imprisonment for defiling a 12-year-old girl by the Lagos State Sexual Offences & Domestic Violence Court reflects a strong stance against sexual offenses and the protection of vulnerable children. The judge’s decision to register Akinboyewa as a sex offender and emphasize the lack of remorse shown serves as a deterrent to others and highlights the importance of holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. This case underscores the commitment of the authorities to ensuring justice, protection, and closure for survivors of such heinous crimes.

Source of Image: Istock

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