Parents Whose Children Are Grown Up, Tell Us The Biggest Mistakes You Made With Your Kids

Parents of adult children often reflect on their parenting journey, recognizing both the positive aspects of their choices and their regrets over the years.
Parents may come to realize that prioritizing their career and other responsibilities led to neglecting family involvement, resulting in a distant or nonexistent relationship with their adult children. Now, they may feel unsure about how to rebuild that connection.
Parents might recognize that being overly protective or sheltering their children in unhealthy ways has adversely affected their adult lives, leading to concerns about their well-being and independence.
Parents may feel they placed excessive pressure on their children to meet specific academic and career expectations, leading to regrets about their parenting approach and a desire to have parented differently.
Parents might reflect on more subtle mistakes in their marriage or life choices that their children observed, leading to regrets about those decisions and a desire to have acted differently.
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