Put it down! Should children be allowed smartphones?

Source: The Guardian newspaper

Incident overview:

  • Recent national debate on whether children should have mobile phones has intensified
  • Movement advocating for banning smartphones for children due to concerns about addiction, screen time, cyberbullying, and exposure to inappropriate content
  • Arguments in favor of children having phones for safety and social connections
  • The Guardian’s US technology editor, Blake Montgomery, examines scientific research on children and phone usage
  • Annalisa Barbieri and her daughter Raffaella share their experiences navigating social media and smartphones without imposing a ban
  • Raises important questions about balancing the benefits and risks of children using mobile phones in the digital age.


The ongoing debate about children having mobile phones has sparked intense discussions regarding the potential risks and benefits associated with smartphone usage. While concerns about addiction, screen time, cyberbullying, and exposure to inappropriate content have led to calls for banning smartphones for young people, there are also arguments in favor of phones for safety and social connections. The insights provided by experts and individuals navigating this complex issue shed light on the need to strike a balance between the advantages and challenges of children using mobile phones in today’s digital landscape. Ultimately, the debate underscores the importance of thoughtful consideration and informed decision-making when it comes to children and their relationship with technology.

To read more click on link:

Put it down! Should children be allowed smartphones?

Source of image: Gadget cover

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