
School Districts Shut Down after Spike in Illness-related Absences


Several Texas school districts are temporarily closing to sanitize their facilities following a rise in illness-related absences. Among them, Godley Independent School District announced it will remain closed until February 3 after attendance dropped to 70%–80% across all campuses.

According to district officials, the flu has heavily impacted students and staff. On Tuesday, more than 650 students were absent due to illness, with additional students leaving throughout the day. Staff members have also been affected, with over 60 employees either feeling unwell at work or needing to leave to care for sick children.

To help prevent further spread, custodians and some extra hands are conducting deep cleaning and sanitization efforts in school buildings and buses.

Extracurricular students are advised to check with their coaches or sponsors for updates, while all youth athletic events will be canceled until February 3.

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