Child Sexual Abuse

High School Teacher Charged with Sexual Abuse of a Teenage Student


The Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office has charged Dulce Flores, a 33-year-old Spanish teacher at Riverbank High School outside of Modesto, with having sex with a 17-year-old student during his time as a student in 2023. The investigation into the ill teacher began after a school official received a tip regarding the inappropriate relationship.

According to a statement from the Riverbank Unified School District, she was put on leave while the investigation was ongoing. The district stated that in order to minimize “any disruption to their instruction for the remainder of the academic year,” it is working with authorities and has communicated with the families of students enrolled in Flores’ classes.

“This is a very regrettable circumstance for our district,” Superintendent Constantino Aguilar stated. “We will continue to collaborate with law enforcement, but the district will also explore its options to deal with this issue on its own.” Charged with unlawful sex with a minor, Flores was taken into custody at her residence on Tuesday and charged with the crime at the Stanislaus County Jail.

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