18 Million Out-of-School Children: 34 States Ditch UBE Grants as Unused Funds Surpass N135b

Source: https://guardian.ng/
The Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) funds are indeed meant to support basic education in Nigeria, but, unfortunately, these funds remain unassessed. According to reports, the main reason for this is that state governors are required to provide counterpart funds, which they have not been doing.
This is particularly concerning given the staggering number of out-of-school children in Nigeria – over 22 million. The UBEC funds could have been used to support initiatives that address this issue, such as the Universal Basic Education (UBE) program, which aims to provide free and compulsory education to all children of primary and junior secondary school age.
It is worth noting that the UBEC has been working to improve basic education in Nigeria through various initiatives, including the development of a curriculum for bilingual education and the provision of digital resources for smart schools. However, more needs to be done to address the issue of out-of-school children and ensure that all Nigerian children have access to quality education.
Read more about this here: https://childreninfobank.com/safebank/18-million-out-of-school-children-34-states-ditch-ube-grants-as-unused-funds-surpass-n135b/
Source of Image: https://guardian.ng/