Study Reveals Impact of Homework on Student Achievement in Math and Science


Researchers from Maynooth University’s Hamilton Institute and Department of Mathematics and Statistics have revealed important insights into the impact of homework on student achievement. Led by Prof. Andrew Parnell, Nathan McJames, and Prof. Ann O’Shea, the study utilized a new AI model to analyze data from the TIMSS 2019, focusing on 4,118 Irish students in their second year of secondary school. The findings, published in the journal Learning and Instruction, suggest that consistent, small amounts of homework can enhance performance in mathematics and science.

The findings of the research includes:

Frequency over duration: The study highlights that the frequency of homework is more important than its duration. Daily homework assignments were found to be most effective for improving mathematics achievement, while science performance benefited most from homework assigned three to four times a week.

Effectiveness of shorter assignments: Short-duration homework tasks, lasting up to 15 minutes, were shown to be just as effective as longer assignments. This suggests that regular, concise homework can promote learning without overwhelming students with excessive work.

Equity in benefits: Contrary to previous research, this study found that all students, regardless of socioeconomic background, experienced similar benefits from homework, indicating equitable advantages across diverse student populations. The researchers advocate for homework policies prioritizing regular, short-duration assignments to optimize student engagement and academic success without causing undue stress.

Lead author Nathan McJames noted that the study shows regular, shorter homework can significantly improve student performance while helping students balance schoolwork with other activities. Prof. Andrew Parnell emphasized that their advanced methods ensure the findings are reliable, offering valuable insights for evidence-based educational policy changes that could benefit all students.

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