Op-Ed: Why I Don’t Plan to Raise My Black Children in the US

Source: https://www.msn.com/
As a Black woman in the US, the idea of becoming a parent brings both excitement and fear. While the world offers numerous opportunities, it’s impossible to ignore the harsh realities and challenges that disproportionately impact Black and Brown communities.
Systemic racism and racial discrimination are pervasive globally, affecting every country and exacerbating issues like colorism. American racism, in particular, carries a distinct and troubling character, even drawing incredulity from European countries with colonial histories.
Gun Violence in America: Gun violence in the United States is a deeply troubling issue, particularly affecting Black communities. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal stark disparities: Black individuals face firearm-related deaths at a rate nearly ten times higher than their white counterparts, with young Black males aged 15–34 at the highest risk. The prevalence of mass shootings adds to this distress, constituting a significant portion of such incidents globally.
Poor Education Systems: The education system in the United States remains deeply inequitable, especially for Black children who often attend underfunded schools with poorly paid teachers and limited resources. Recent bans on teaching critical race theory (CRT) and efforts to censor books discussing race, gender, and sexuality further exacerbate these disparities. These actions hinder children’s understanding of societal issues and perpetuate ignorance about historical and ongoing racism, posing challenges for equitable education and social awareness.
Disparities Harming Black Communities: Policing in America poses significant fear and risk for Black communities due to a history of violent and racially biased encounters. Research shows Black Americans are over three times more likely to be killed by police than White Americans, reflecting a pervasive fear of unjustified shootings and excessive force. The ongoing tragedies and high-profile deaths like Trayvon Martin and Breonna Taylor perpetuate deep concerns about safety and justice within Black communities, influencing concerns about the future for children of color.
Considering the Future: The decision to potentially leave the United States for a Black woman considering parenthood is influenced by high living costs, healthcare disparities, and systemic issues in food systems. It’s seen as a personal decision rooted in addressing immediate challenges rather than rejecting the country entirely.
Conclusion: The U.S. government should create a safer, more equitable environment for children, driven by love and a desire for their well-being. It calls for collective efforts to achieve positive change and ensure future generations can thrive with opportunities and support for fulfilling lives.
Read More: https://childreninfobank.com/safebank/op-ed-why-i-dont-plan-to-raise-my-black-children-in-the-us/
Image Source: https://www.msn.com/