When Covid Hit, They Were in Diapers. So Why Are Kindergarteners Struggling?: Highlights to Keep in Mind…

Source: by Matt Barnum on https://www.msn.com
Executive Summary:
This article reports on the findings of a new data analysis that shows that America’s youngest students entered school this year with weaker math and reading skills, compared with before the pandemic. The data comes from a digital test called i-Ready, taken by over a million students in kindergarten through second grade1. The article explores some possible causes and implications of this decline, such as:
- Lower participation in early-childhood education: Preschool and kindergarten enrollment dropped during the pandemic, which may have affected children’s readiness for school.
- Pandemic-related disruptions in family life: The pandemic caused economic and emotional hardships for many families, which may have affected children’s learning and development at home.
- Statistical artifacts: The data may not be fully representative of the student population, as some more advantaged students may have opted out of the test.
- Challenges for schools and teachers: Schools are facing the dual task of helping older students who fell behind and younger students who started behind2. Teachers need more resources and support to provide individualized instruction to their students.
- Budget constraints: Schools may not be able to afford the extra help they need, as federal pandemic-relief funding runs out and some states face budget shortfalls3.